Senior Resources » 12 Best Podcasts for Family Caregivers in 2024

12 Best Podcasts for Family Caregivers in 2024

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Most people are thrown into the role of family caregivers with little knowledge and even less firsthand experience. Assuming caregiving responsibilities while juggling your own life is enough to make any caregiver think: “What have I gotten myself into?” While the internet offers a glut of information, finding the time to research can be just as daunting as becoming a caregiver.


Fortunately, there’s a one-stop shop for information—podcasts.

Whether you want to learn more about how Alzheimer’s affects the brain or just listen to a fellow caregiver’s best tips, you can find whatever you need on a podcast. So, let’s explore the twelve best options together!


1. Daughterhood the Podcast

In this monthly podcast, host Rosanne Corcoran interviews experts in the field of caregiving and pulls from her own experience as the primary in-home caregiver for her mother with Alzheimer’s disease. Daughterhood the Podcast seeks to inform and empower fellow caregivers. As such, Corcoran and her guests tackle everything from grief and the emotional strain of caregiving to elder law to the importance of self-care. She provides listeners with the comfort of knowing they aren’t facing this challenge alone—an important reminder for any caregiver.

2. Happy Healthy Caregiver

Host and certified caregiving consultant Elizabeth Miller shares how important it is for family caregivers to prioritize their physical and mental health while juggling caregiving responsibilities. In this bi-weekly podcast, Miller and her guests share their personal stories, knowledge, and advice. Listen to real people discuss how they incorporate caregiving into their lives and learn how they manage to stay healthy and happy during this new and unknown time.

3. AlzAuthers: Untangling Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Marianne Sciucco, a registered nurse and former family caregiver, produces, edits, and hosts this podcast. co-founder of AlzAuthors. This global community of more than 300 authors offers comfort and support to fellow dementia caregivers. In each weekly episode, an author shares their unique experience with dementia and the knowledge they’ve acquired throughout their journey. This podcast’s main goal is to break the silence and stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia.

4. Terrible, Thanks for Asking

Terrible, Thanks for Asking is dedicated to talking honestly about inner feelings that often get swept under the rug. Host Nora McInerny tackles the anxieties many people face even as they tell others they’re “fine.” Episodes often feature author interviews, listener call-ins, and emotional stories. If you have a day where you just want to be in your feelings, this is the podcast for you.


5. Love Your Caregiving Life

Have you ever felt like no one truly understands what you go through daily as a caregiver? Charlotte Bayala, the host of this show, cared for her husband with thyroid cancer for six years and knows this all too well. She spent much of that time overwhelmed, angry, and lonely until she found the courage to embrace the positives of caregiving. Bayala created this series to share her relatable and emotional caregiving stories and reassure fellow caregivers that they aren’t alone in this journey.

6. People with Parents

Loving daughter embracing comforting and consoling the old elderly, depressed stressed senior woman contemplating,afraid and worried about senile disease,thinking about health problems,life troubles maybe with alzheimer's disease
Image Credit

This podcast features short episodes in which stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord explores the role reversal between herself and her aging mom and dad. This unexpected change in relationship dynamics occurs when it becomes time to “parent your parents.”  Lord’s storytelling abilities and candidness allow her to find humor in even the most uncomfortable caregiving situations.

7. The Agewyz Podcast

senior woman listening to earbuds, blurred background
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Hosted by (former) family caregiver and author Jana Panarites, the Agewyz podcast gives fellow caregivers a voice. Panarites and her guests delve deep into elder care topics like stereotypes about getting older, the everyday challenges of hands-on care, aging in place and so much more. Panarites engages in candid conversations with caregivers, experts, and advocates to address the emotional, social, and financial aspects of caregiving. Laugh, cry, share, and know you’re not alone.

8. Dave, the Caregiver’s Caregiver

In this podcast, Dave Nassaney, author and longtime spousal caregiver, gets candid about the feelings of burnout and grief that come with caring for a loved one with chronic health issues. He calls it “Your Guide to Avoiding Burnout and Surviving Grief.” Nassaney and his co-host, Adrienne Gruberg, interview family caregivers, medical experts, and authors who share their own stories and discuss the emotional side of caregiving.

9. Dementia Care Partner Talk Show with Teepa Snow

Teepa Snow, a renowned dementia educator and creator of the Positive Approach to Care (PAC), co-hosts this weekly podcast with PAC Mentor Greg Phelps. This series provides actionable tips and creative ideas for addressing common and uncommon challenges inherent to caring for someone who is living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. Family caregivers can even write in to ask questions and suggest topics for Snow to discuss in future episodes.


10. The Sandwich Generation Survival Guide: Caring for Your Children, Your Parents, and Yourself

Candace Dellacona, Esq. and Jodi Argentino, M.S., Esq. bring you a real, and at times even comedic, survival guide for people in what is referred to as the Sandwich Generation. The people that are not only taking care of their children but also their parents, while balancing the rest of their daily responsibilities.  This bi-monthly podcast is chock full of authentic discussions, real-world tips, resources, and advice from experts. With every installment, they guide the audience through surviving and thriving during this tremendous balancing act we call life.

11. Alzheimer’s Speaks

Minnesota-based founder, dementia advocate, and keynote speaker Lori La Bey is committed to providing resources for caregivers and works tirelessly to facilitate difficult conversations regarding the need for improving dementia care worldwide. Named the “#1 Influencer Online for Alzheimer’s Disease” by Sharecare, Lori uses her podcast and platform to share critical information, personal stories, and more! Alzheimer’s Speaks is a part of Senior Resource’s podcast network, so click HERE to access more episodes!

12. Conversations on Aging with Wendy Jones

Join Wendy Jones, of Next Steps 4 Seniors, for her weekly podcast on the tips and tools to successfully navigate your golden years. Wendy brings decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge to numerous platforms including her long-running weekly radio show. With her line-up of experts on topics such as home healthcare, estate planning, senior living options, Medicare, end-of-life care, and more, this weekly podcast aims to empower you and your loved ones to make informed decisions for navigating life as we age.


elderly man listening to music
Image Credit: Shutterstock

While podcasts are a great resource, you may be on the hunt for something more. Many of the aforementioned podcasts have links in their bio on most platforms, or their websites with more resources to explore along your journey. Some of these resources may seem unrelatable to you right now, but you should still look into them. The future is uncertain, and you may find some solace in some resources you never imagined. 

Check out our Podcast Network here on Senior Resource!


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Originally published June 20, 2024


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