Senior Resources » Senior Education » 40 Classes Seniors Should Take

40 Classes Seniors Should Take

senior woman taking a class using a computer in the vening, monitor reflection in her glasses
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They say you are never too old to try something new or learn something new. As we get older, we often tell ourselves, “I could never do that,” or “How will I ever learn this?” This is especially true for seniors, but it doesn’t have to be. Learning and trying new things should be a joy at any age, even as a senior. We live in a wonderful time where there are classes available on all kinds of subjects, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Benefits of Continued Education for Seniors

adult education, seniors and retirees in a class learning something new
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Seniors can reap numerous benefits from taking classes, including improved cognitive function. These classes allow them to sharpen existing skills or learn entirely new ones, all while injecting some fun into their lives. The act of learning itself can also boost self-esteem. Additionally, lifelong learning contributes to a greater sense of self-fulfillment.

Where Can Seniors Take Classes?

group of seniors learning together
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There are many places where seniors can take classes. You can contact your local community college to see what’s available and to find out how you can take courses, as well as how much it will cost.


If you are immobile or have difficulty getting out, you can take classes online through platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Edx. Search for “free online courses” on these platforms and see what comes up. You may find a basic course you can take on one of your interests and then you can decide if you want to pay for a more advanced course. Most courses also come with a certificate upon completion. 

Do you struggle with technology or find it confusing? Search for “free online computer classes” on platforms like Tech Life Unity and Teach an Old Dog New Tricks. These platforms will display available courses that cover common topics like typing, social media, and computer programs.

What Kind of Class Should You Take?

senior education
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For classes, both online and off, there are endless possibilities!

Creative Classes

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Being creative is a great stress reliever and a way for you to express yourself. 

  1. Art Classes – Take a class on your favorite art medium. This could be painting with watercolors or acrylics, working with clay, or drawing. It could also be a class on art history or your favorite painter.
  2. How to write a book – Have you always thought you had a book in you? Take a basic class on how to write a book. Although talent cannot be taught, one can learn the process.
  3. How to publish a book – There are two ways to publish a book these days: Going traditional, which means submitting your manuscript to agents hoping a publishing house will pick it up. Or, you can self-publish your book and have more control over things like editing, cover design, illustrations (for kids’ books), where you will publish, marketing, and pricing. Decide which path interests you the most and take a class about it. If you’re not sure, take a class on each and then make an informed decision.
  4. Knitting/Crochet – There are people of all ages who learn how to knit and crochet these days, so pick up those needles and make some new friends while you learn.
  5. Cooking – Learning to cook can be a fun and exciting adventure. Start with the basics and then work your way up to more advanced classes. If you make a mistake, no worries. Even the most famous chefs have had bad days in the kitchen.
  6. Baking – Pick out your favorite kind of baked good and take a class on how to make it. This could be anything from bread to scones to homemade cheesecake.
  7. Cake decorating – Cake decorating truly is an art, but it is a skill that can be taught. If you have dreamed of learning how to decorate cakes for birthdays for friends and family or special occasions, take some classes and have fun.
  8. Illustration – Take a course on how to draw illustrations and have fun with it. Who knows, you may publish your own book one day or see your illustrations in someone else’s book if you decide to take things a step further and start a business.
  9. Cover Design – If you have a knack for graphics, take a course on book cover design. This skill is in demand, with authors looking for people to do professional cover design. This could also be a great side hustle or grow into a full-time income.
  10. Freelance Writing – If you have a way with words, take a class on freelance writing. Then take what you learn, apply it, and see what happens. 
  11. Pottery – Take a pottery class and make some beautiful pieces to display.
  12. Woodworking – If you like working with your hands, taking a woodworking or carpentry class may be a good option.
  13. Music Lessons – Take some lessons on either playing an instrument or the history of music. 

Financial Classes

man calculating finances
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It’s never too late to learn how to manage your finances better.

  1. Budgeting – Learn the basics!
  2. Estate Planning If you haven’t done your estate planning or aren’t sure what to do or what it entails, take a class about it and then search for an attorney or advisor who can help.
  3. Saving Money – If you have a difficult time saving money, take a class about the best ways to do so.
  4. Frugal Travel – Traveling can be an enormous expense and many seniors love to travel, so taking a class on how to do so affordably is a great option.

Fitness Classes

happy seniors exercising
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Staying fit at any age is important, but you don’t have to do the same old, same old. Here are some ideas to mix-up your physical fitness routine.

  1. Dance Classes – There are lots of different dances, so pick your favorite and go learn how to do it. If you’re married, this would be a fun thing to do with your spouse. If you’re single, you’re bound to make some new friends and maybe meet a special someone.
  2. Yoga or Pilates – Yoga and Pilates are great stress relievers and a good way to get in shape.
  3. Hiking – Take a class on hiking to learn about preparation for a hike, what to take with you, and the best terrains to hike.
  4. Rock Climbing – Rock climbing is a more adventurous way to stay fit or get in shape.
  5. Tennis or Pickleball – Hit the courts and take a class on how to play tennis or pickleball.
  6. Swimming – Join the pool and go swimming a few days a week during the summer. You could also see where the nearest indoor pool is, so you can swim all year round. For some added fun, take a water aerobics class or swim with friends.

Mental Health Classes

typing on computer in lap
Image Credit: Pexels
  1. Mental Illness – Take a class to learn about either various mental illnesses or one that may affect your family. 
  2. Reducing Stress – Feeling stressed? Take a class on how to reduce the things in your life that stress you out.
  3. How to Manage Your Mental HealthMental health is important and if you are struggling with yours, taking a class to learn how to manage it better may help.
  4. Managing Mental Health in the Workplace – If you still work, a course like this can help you learn how mental health issues affect employers, appreciate good mental health practices in the workplace, and realize that the stigma of mental health needs to be addressed.
  5. Art Therapy for Mental Health – If you love art and are struggling with mental health issues, a course like this will help you learn to use art to improve your mental health.
  6. Alzheimer’s and Dementia – Learning about these diseases may be helpful to you in the future.

Educational Classes

grandparents smiling and using a computer
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  1. Foreign Languages – Choose a foreign language and have fun learning to communicate with others and make new friends.
  2. Literature Classes – Take a class on historical literature or any other aspect of literature that fascinates you.
  3. Science – Choose your favorite area of science and take a course in it. 
  4. Health Education – You can take classes on general health, fitness and diet, safety and first aid, etc.
  5. Psychology – Take a beginner’s psychology class and have fun learning about the human mind.
  6. Biology – Have fun learning about biology in a beginner’s class and then see if you want to explore further.
  7. Botany – If you have a love of plants, a botany class may be a great option for you.
  8. Movies – Take a course about a specific movie or the history of movies.
  9. Music – There are all kinds of courses you can take in relation to music. Things like playing an instrument, musical composition, music history, music production, music software, songwriting, music business, and how to be a DJ.
  10. True Crime – There are tons of courses you can take related to true crime as well. Things like how to write a true crime book, criminology, organized crime, why people commit crimes, etc. 
  11. Traveling – You can learn about how to travel abroad, how to become a travel writer, how to get paid to travel, Airbnb’s tips on traveling, how to start a travel blog, etc.

Should YOU Take a Class?

Elderly woman, yoga and stretching in class for healthy spiritual, mind and body wellness at the studio. Senior female in warm up arm stretch or pose in yoga class together for zen and health fitness
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This list offers a mere glimpse into courses available for seniors. Dive in, explore your interests, and discover what ignites your passion! Remember, lifelong learning is an enriching journey, and it’s never too late to find a new hobby or rediscover a forgotten love.


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Originally published June 17, 2024


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