Senior Resources » Building Your Care Team

Building Your Care Team

When it comes to navigating the complexities of aging, one thing is certain: we all need a reliable care team by our side. But who exactly should be on this team? Today, let’s explore the diverse range of individuals and professionals who can contribute valuable support and expertise to ensure your senior loved one’s well-being.


Creating a Support Network Beyond Family for Optimal Care

First and foremost, it’s important to break free from the notion that your care team must solely consist of family members. While family plays a crucial role, it’s equally important to consider others who understand your loved one’s unique needs and can bring additional value to the table.

Start by looking at your network of medical professionals. These individuals, from doctors to specialists, possess the knowledge and experience to provide essential healthcare guidance. Alongside them, consider consulting with an elder law attorney who can offer invaluable legal advice and help navigate matters such as estate planning and long-term care options.


Don’t overlook the power of community resources. Home care services and respite providers can offer much-needed assistance too.

And let’s not forget about the special role that family and friends play in our lives. Children and grandchildren, regardless of their age, can bring a unique level of care and joy to your care team. Kids have a remarkable way of brightening our days and adding a sense of playfulness to the mix. By including them in your team, you not only allow them to understand and contribute to your senior loved one’s well-being but also make them feel valued and a part of something meaningful.

As you embark on your caregiving journey, consider the various ideas mentioned here. Seek out those who understand your needs, offer valuable guidance, and bring joy and companionship to your life.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller


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Originally published November 29, 2023


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