Senior Resources » Dementia is No Match for a Daughter’s Determination

Dementia is No Match for a Daughter’s Determination

hugging and smiling woman with senior mom
Image Credit: Shutterstock


In this episode of Alzheimer’s Speaks, Dr. Helena Popovic offers profound insights into dementia care and brain health. Her approach, emphasizing education over medication, underscores the importance of lifestyle choices in enhancing brain function.

Dr. Helena Popovic shares personal stories about her father’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Through her experiences, she highlights the significance of acknowledging strengths, managing enduring emotions, and addressing factors like stress, social connections, and nutrition in effective dementia management.


The episode discusses practical interventions for brain health, advocating for physical exercise, dietary modifications, and purposeful activities as key elements in boosting cognition and overall brain health.

Here’s What You’ll Learn In This Episode

  1. Education vs Medication
  2. Band-Aid Solutions vs Root Cause Issues
  3. Dementia is a Starting Point, Not an End Point
  4. Purpose and Engagement
  5. The Power of Volunteering
  6. Can’t Control Everything
  7. Don’t Help People to Death
  8. How to Use Multi-Sensory Engagement
  9. Joy is Healing


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Originally published June 26, 2024


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