Senior Resources » How Friends Can Bring Joy and Fulfillment into a Caregiver’s Life

How Friends Can Bring Joy and Fulfillment into a Caregiver’s Life

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do lists and obligations. We often find ourselves juggling various responsibilities, leaving little time for personal connections and self-care. However, relying on friends can be the key to bringing joy and fulfillment back into our lives.


Rediscovering the Power of Friendship While Caregiving

In this heartfelt video, Lori La Bey shares her personal journey of pushing people away due to being too busy and overwhelmed. She recounts the day she finally broke down and had coffee with her girlfriends, expecting it to be a one-time event just to appease them. Little did she know that this simple act would have a profound impact on her well-being.

“I didn’t know until I showed up how empty I had gotten,” she admits. Spending time with her friends allowed her to laugh, cry, and truly connect on a deeper level. What started as a reluctant obligation turned into a regular ritual that filled her soul and made her a better person.


It’s a common trap to fall into – feeling guilty for saying no to social invitations or believing that there just isn’t enough time in the day for friendship. But as Lori experienced firsthand, making time for friends is not only essential for our own happiness but also for our ability to care for others.

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Originally published November 29, 2023


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