Senior Resources » How to Get the Most Out of Telehealth and Medicare

How to Get the Most Out of Telehealth and Medicare

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Toni receives an email concerning her 86-year-old mother with Alzheimer’s who requires 24-hour care in an assisted living facility. Victoria seeks advice on potentially disenrolling her mother from a Medicare Advantage HMO to utilize telehealth for medical consultations due to the challenges of taking her to the doctor and the high costs of care.

Toni responds by highlighting the growing popularity and effectiveness of telehealth. She emphasizes the need for Victoria to communicate with her mother’s Advantage plan to explore options for at-home doctor visits through telehealth or house calls. Toni underscores the benefits of telehealth in reducing emergency room visits for patients and mentions that various healthcare professionals, including dentists and specialists, are embracing telehealth practices.


On This Episode of Medicare Moments, You’ll Learn:

  • Historical progression and recent resurgence of telehealth services.
  • Convenience and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for patients and providers alike.
  • Implications of Telehealth on Healthcare:
    • Reduction in emergency room visits through telehealth consultations.
    • Impact on healthcare delivery, particularly for elderly individuals in assisted living facilities.
  • Importance of early intervention and cost savings for Medicare through telehealth services.

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Originally published July 01, 2024


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