Senior Resources » Elder Law & Estate Planning » How to Sell Unwanted Burial Plots

How to Sell Unwanted Burial Plots

How to Sell Unwanted Burial Plots head stone with "in loving memory of dear mother" written

Dear Savvy Senior,


How do I go about selling unwanted burial plots in my hometown cemetery? When my parents died about 25 years ago my husband (at the time) and I bought two plots near them in the same cemetery. But we’ve gotten divorced since then and have both moved out of state. Besides that, I would like to be cremated instead of buried. 

Looking to Sell


Dear Looking,

Life changes such as relocating, family disputes, and divorce, along with the growing popularity of cremation in the U.S., are causing more and more people to sell previously purchased burial plots they don’t intend to use any longer. But, depending on where you live and the location of the cemetery, selling a plot can be difficult. And, if you do sell it, you’ll probably get less than what you initially paid for it. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Contact the Cemetery


Your first step in selling your unwanted burial plots is to contact the cemetery and find out if they would be interested in buying them back, or if you’re allowed to sell them yourself to another person or family. And if so, what paperwork will you need to complete the sale, and is there a transfer fee? 

Some states require sellers to offer the plot back to the cemetery before selling it to others. 


Selling Options

money bags

If you find that it’s OK to sell your plots yourself, many people choose to use a broker. There are a number of companies, like and, that will list your plots for sale and handle the transaction for a fee and possibly a commission. If you go this route, you’ll sign paperwork giving the broker permission to work on your behalf. Listings can last up to three years or until the plots sell. 

Alternatively, or simultaneously, you can also list them yourself on sites like The Cemetery Exchange,, eBay, and Craigslist, and handle the transaction yourself. In the ad, be sure to post pictures, describe the area where the cemetery is located, and give the plot locations. 

What to Ask

question mark

Appropriate pricing is key to selling your plots. It’s recommended that you find out what the cemetery is selling their plots for today and ask at least 20 percent less. If you’re pricing too close to what the cemetery charges, there’s no incentive for potential buyers.

Beware of Scammers

senior scam

If you choose to sell your plots yourself, it’s not unusual for scam artists to reach out and try to get your personal financial information. Phone calls tend to be more genuine than emails and text messages. 


Donate Them

head stone with "in loving memory of dear mother"

If you don’t have any luck selling your plots, and if money isn’t an issue, you can donate them to a charity such as a religious congregation, a local veteran’s group, or an organization that aids the homeless. To get a tax deduction, you’ll need an appraisal, which a cemetery or broker may supply for a fee.

Send your senior questions to Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit

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Originally published March 04, 2024


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