Senior Resources » Medications, Misdiagnoses, and Miracles: One Woman’s Experience with Dementia

Medications, Misdiagnoses, and Miracles: One Woman’s Experience with Dementia

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Have you ever felt dismissed by a doctor? Imagine experiencing confusing symptoms, only to be given diagnoses that don’t quite fit? That’s exactly what Ginger Speech, a former speech-language pathologist, went through on her journey with dementia.

Ginger joins Alzheimer’s Speaks to share her eye-opening story. She recounts being misdiagnosed with both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, experiencing strange behavioral changes, and navigating a confusing path of medications.


Ginger’s story is a powerful reminder that dementia isn’t a one-size-fits-all condition. It highlights the importance of understanding the different types of dementia and the potential for medication interactions. How would you feel if you were taking medications that weren’t addressing the root cause of your symptoms?

This conversation is a call to action for all of us. Ginger’s story emphasizes the critical role we can play in advocating for ourselves or our loved ones. It underscores the need for better education and resources when it comes to dementia care.

Imagine the difference it could make if everyone felt empowered to question medical decisions and seek clarification on medications.

Ginger’s mission is to advocate for research and cure for neurodegenerative disease through her memoir, interviews, and participation in social media.

Listen to this episode of Alzheimer’s Speaks to hear:

  • Ginger’s symptoms.
  • How she handled forced retirement.
  • How she handled multiple diagnoses.
  • How antipsychotics can be dangerous with certain types of dementia.
  • How a support group can help you.
  • Sunshining vs sundowning.
  • The importance of lifestyle changes.

Popular Articles About Alzheimer's and Dementia, and Alzheimer's Speaks

Originally published March 12, 2024


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