Senior Resources » Tim Conway Hilariously Portrays a New Hire in a REALLY Cramped Office Space

Tim Conway Hilariously Portrays a New Hire in a REALLY Cramped Office Space

In this knee-slapping Carol Burnett Show classic, Carol, Tim, and Harvey show us exactly what happens when you cram way too many people into a tiny office.

The scene starts with Carol and Harvey Korman just arriving for work. But something’s not quite right! This office is built for one person, tops. Somehow, though, Carol and Harvey have squeezed in together for a whopping 20 years!


Then comes Tim Conway, the brand-new employee. He adds another body to the already overflowing room. Just getting to his desk is a hilarious disaster, with Tim climbing over everything in sight and inadvertently opening his umbrella several times. Tim was a master of physical comedy, and this sketch highlights his abilities perfectly. We’ve all bumped into things or tripped over our own feet. But, by exaggerating these situations and adding a touch of surprise, Tim always turns them into laugh-out-loud moments.

Can you imagine how hard it was for Carol and Harvey to keep straight faces? Seriously, though. Word on the street was that Tim and Harvey actively tried to make each other break character in almost every episode – it was like a game to them! Tim gets smacked in the face by a typewriter over and over, and his exaggerated facial expressions are, as usual, on point.


Need a good laugh? This Carol Burnett sketch is a classic. Scroll up to watch it in full!

Image Credit: Cramped Office Space | The Carol Burnett Show Clip,


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Originally published June 14, 2024


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